Friday, November 30, 2012

Brush Your Teeth

This kid HATES getting his teeth brushed, but the only thing he does when 'he brushes' is suck the tooth paste off and say all done. So.... the dreaded pin down comes every night. I hold him down and brush while thomas holds his face still... even still it's quite the ordeal. I have tried to make it a fun happy thing and sing songs and everything to make him want to brush his teeth... but to no avail! Little stinker! haha Diva had been playing with my camera while this was going on.... so she snapped a quick pick. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Three Years

Only picture of us we have taken together in aprox the last year...
Happy Anniversary!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 123- Toques

Over Thanksgiving my Sister initiated the project to make toques (aka 'hats' for all you Americans that don't know what a toque is).
She showed me a lot of what to do... but I made them both all by myself! Yippeee... They were a little tricky, but not to bad at the same time. 
So happy with how they turned out... 
and don't you just like the fabric?? Hahaha SO CUTE

Day 122- A Little Fresh Air

Boys were driving me just a little bit crazy today, being inside all day. So even though it was pretty stinkin chilly I threw them out the door. haha!

Look at them sporting those cute little toques I made them :)

Layton is saying... "careful... careful... careful...."

HAHAHA oh Kasen Boy!!

While We Were Away

Have I mentioned lately anything about that really neat guy that I married?
Wowsers.. i'm his #1 fan.

While away for Thanksgiving, Thomas made this Toddler bed!!!!!
It's perfect.
It's adorable.
It means my babies are little boys.
Oh my heck I just love this bed.  I love tucking them in at night. I love walking in in the mornings and seeing them there. I love that they can just walk into my room in the mornings if i'm not up. I love that they are using the jean quilts I made them for their birthday last year. Doesn't it look good? I just can't even get over the fact that I MADE that quilt and Thomas MADE that bed all by ourselves. There is something really neat about making and creating things. So much satisfaction!

This is the other bed that my sister gave to us. Thomas used this as a reference while making the other one, so he could get it as close as possible. Also, notice my other jean quilt I made:)

How stinkin cute?

Day 120- Reading

Apparently this is the new way to read. Love it!

The Stockings Were Hung

For lack of a better picture... here is our Christmas set up. 
We left our gigantic tree in Rexburg, but we totally lucked out and found 
this gem on the side of the road, up the street :).
We made it pretty....

look at these beautiful stockings!!! Don't they take your breath away?
I had a gift card to pottery barn that I got three years ago, and hadn't used (it's so expensive there)
so when this deal came up with free shipping and monogramming I jumped at the chance :) 

They look much better in person...
Gorgeous! :)

Day 119-Fridge

This is what our fridge looked like after I was gone for a week......
I just had to take a picture of it, because it was so empty!

After being home for a day..
That's a little better! ha!

Day 118- Dinner

Dinner with the missionaries (Elder Weinsbauer and Elder Chadwick), and the Garcia's

We also did FHE together, and somehow ended up teaching Luis how to tie a tie.

I was so surprised to find out that a lot of Luis' co-workers and friends are being pretty mean to him since he joined the church. He told us of a few things that have been going on, to which his response was...."during my breaks I pray for them" What a good example.

First Snow Fall

The first and only snow fall of the year so far came a couple weeks ago. 
We were out in a jiffy to play in it.
The boys LOVED it, and we had a ton of fun.

Our first snow man .

Happy Boy :)

 Pleased as punch

'Kasen give the snowman kisses'

"Hands.... cold..... dirty....."

The only way I got them to even stand next to eachother and kind of hold still was to say
"Boys got put your bum on the wall!" haha 

Snow Angels :)

"I'm just gonna sit down for a minute, even though I refused my snow pants and only have jeans on."

 "Why am I getting cold??? "

I'm not a huge winter person, but honestly.... i WISH IT WOULD SNOW NOW... I wanna take the boys out more and play in it. It's no fun being outside while having really chilly weather. If it's gonna be cold, it might as well snow already!


A couple Sundays ago this little guy wasn't feeling too great. At least that's what I thought. He threw up twice before church so I stayed home with him. After that though, he seemed fine all day long. No more throwing up, no neediness, nothing. Oh well we still watched movies and cuddled, and I made a little bed for him in the living room!

I think he liked all the attention he got with his brother gone at church.