Monday, December 10, 2012


Sorry about all the confusion, but i'm back at my original blog. ( I found a way to keep posting pictures. So for all you bloggers out there... if you ever have told you have pay to get more picture allotment, you actually don't have to! Just add yourself as another author to your blog, using a different google account! It's that easy :) i'll keep my other blog as a back up, just in case something else comes up, but i'm back to this blog... and will be updating here.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 132

Just some fun ones! :)

Smoothie night! More Please!

In all honestly... i LOVE the hair longer like this...
It's so cute sticking up everywhere!

Oh my little boy......

Cute little outfit!

There's that hair sticking up in the back again!

Picture without daddy.... (cropped)                                          Same picture with Daddy....

Which one do you like? :) haha

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 131

A little bit of our day in pictures......

Woke up.... Layton was not in his bed or anywhere in the room. (mini heart attack later....)
Found him under the bed... sound asleep.... 
Can't believe he didn't wake up, from falling off the bed or something. 
Pretty cute....

I guess the boys decided their toys need a good run through the wash.....

Finished making a couple Christmas decorations out of the boys hand prints.

My babies fell asleep in my arms while we read Christmas stories.

We tried out the no napping thing today. Since they didn't wake up till eight this morning I didn't want to fight a nap and then have them struggle going to bed tonight..... this is what they looked like at 6:50 pm.
Maybe they still do need their naps

Absolutely love it. 
Best feeling ever having your kids asleep all snuggled up together with you.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 130-Pinocchio

The boys couldn't sit through all of the Christmas Devotional so they watched Pinocchio while we watched the rest. They loved it.

Day 129- Puddles

Dec. 1st! Can you believe how nice it is out? Puddles and sweaters..... how can it be December?
Yup I caught them running through these.... there shoes are still soaked... 

oh ya and don't mind the Dora doll that Layton is holding. I was out helping my neighbor go through all her storage stuff, and we found a box of Diva's old toys.. he must have stole that one... haha... our boys do not own dolly or girly stuff.

Day 128- Playin with Dad

These boys sure do love there Dad.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 127

Today was a wonderful Sabbath day. I just love Sundays. Just me and all my boys enjoying each other.  After a great day at church, we all took a really long nap! It was super awesome... after that we played and made an early-ish dinner (4:30). The boys have just been SO good today. I swear the last few days Kasen has been driving me mad. So grumpy, and needy and whiny, and just driving me completely crazy. He was being down right naughty, and he was always getting in trouble. After every kind of discipline throughout the day, by night time I felt like a failure and guilty for all my frustration and anger. Some days I think I have the most stubborn, crazy, frustrating, mischievous, needy 2 year old on the face of the planet. That's why today was so completely wonderful. It was like night and day difference. Both the boys were just so great. Such a relief. It is amazing what a good day like today can do for ones' spirit. anyway..... At five we listened to the Christmas Devotional. It was super wonderful. I love hearing the first presidency speak. Their stories are so great and the messages inspiring. I am love Christmas time. I like to keep it simple and focused on others. I'm grateful for this time of year, and for my Savior who was born into this world, but more importantly who died for me personally, so I can return to live with him someday. Always remember Him, especially during this time of year.